Sr. Mary Eileen Jewell, PVMI
Sr. Mary Eileen is a consecrated religious in the community of Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate. She lives in a convent in Mesa with 2 other sisters from her Community. She has been working in campus ministry at the Catholic Newman Center at ASU since September of 2012. Before coming to Arizona to work at ASU, Sister was a full-time Life Teen youth minister for high school teens for 7 years at St. Raymond’s in the Bronx, New York. Coming to Arizona from the Bronx has had its challenges. When Sister first saw the “Fear the Fork” sign she was afraid to do it because she was sure it was a gang sign. Walking on grass still feels weird to her because….”you don’t know what’s in it”. And she still prefers meeting a mugger rather than a snake or scorpion because….”at least you can talk to a mugger.”