To sign up for a C.A.L.L. Seminar, you’ll need to register and pay for membership (or log in if you’re already a member).
Once you’re logged in, simply click on any of the “Learn More” links to be taken to the signup page for that seminar.
It is very helpful to the CALL Team if you select all the seminars that you would like to attend this year right now!
Later if there is a date conflict, you can switch to a different seminar.
We do not handle registration for Recommended Activities, but we have provided information so that you can make your own arrangements to attend those events.
Seminar A: Setting the Stage & Unpacking Genesis
The current culture does not get it. We were created by God for union and communion through a gift of self. How do we live that way? In this seminar, Pope St. John Paul II’s teachings in Theology of the Body help us understand how we should love others, and what our purpose is on this earth. We dip back into Genesis to learn about who we are really meant to be and how the body reveals God.
January 28, 2023 Diocesan Pastoral Center in Phoenix Click for a map and more information » | Learn more |
Seminar B: In Search of Freedom
Do we treasure others or use them? Our culture has thrown away self-mastery and chastity, only to find the hook-up culture and heartache. It’s all because of the Fall of Man. But what if we lived personal virtue in relationships? In this seminar, we discuss recognizing genuine beauty, telling the truth with our bodies, and seeking authentic freedom, a freedom that is in the service of love.
January 28, 2023 Diocesan Pastoral Center in Phoenix Click for a map and more information » | Learn more |
Seminar C: Ultimate Destinations: The Call of God
How do we choose which path to take if we haven’t thought about our destination? Of course, our destination is heaven, and each of us will have a different path to get there. This seminar will discuss vocations to marriage and the priesthood/religious life. And, this seminar will help us understand how our priests and religious experience a real participation in the heavenly reality. This might just be a heavenly seminar!
March 18, 2023 Diocesan Pastoral Center in Phoenix Click for a map and more information » | Learn more |
Seminar D: Marriage: Myths and the Beautiful Reality
Hopefully we do not get our ideas about marriage from our current culture. Do we realize that marriage can mirror Christ’s love for the Church? And that through marriage, God’s love is made visible? This seminar explains the vows of marriage, the purpose of marriage, and chastity as preparation for any vocation. It also explains how sexual activity, used contrary to its purpose, has wide-reaching negative effects. Thank goodness the Church has always treasured marriage and the beauty of marital intimacy.
March 18, 2023 Diocesan Pastoral Center in Phoenix Click for a map and more information » | Learn more |
Seminar A: Beauty of Biology
Moms and Daughters in one room; Fathers and Sons in another, and both rooms learn about the awe-inspiring bodies we have! Now that we have your attention, this seminar covers male/female reproductive anatomy and physiology, contraception and the contraceptive mentality, true masculinity and femininity, the unitive and procreative nature of marriage, age-appropriate scientific basis for Natural Family Planning, and sexual morality. The Church’s beautiful teachings intertwine with the truth of science to show us the beauty of our biology. Prepare to be amazed at God’s design.
Mother/Daughter & Father/Son
January 28, 2023 Diocesan Pastoral Center in Phoenix Click for a map and more information » | Learn more |
Seminar B: The Stand for Life
Ever been challenged to defend your faith, but ended up in an unproductive argument? This seminar gives the opportunity to discuss life issues, especially abortion, from all angles – medical, sociological, theological, emotional, legal, etc. Teens prepare themselves to stand up for life with knowledge, courage, and compassion.
January 28, 2023 Diocesan Pastoral Center in Phoenix Click for a map and more information » | Learn more |
Seminar C: Cultural Landscape
Let’s take a look at the Cultural Landscape, especially the hook-up culture and its effects on individuals, family, and society. Medical information regarding the effects of contraception, the reality of Sexually Transmitted Infections, and myths about sexual activity are examined in this seminar. Would you know how to help someone suffering with post-abortion syndrome or guide someone who is facing a crisis pregnancy to a healthy decision? These, the media’s false portrayal of authentic relationships, and more will be contrasted with ordered relationships, future healthy dating within family parameters, and practical tips for living a chaste life in young adulthood.
March 18, 2023 Diocesan Pastoral Center in Phoenix Click for a map and more information » | Learn more |
Seminar D: Truth in a Disordered World
If Blessed Pope Paul VI were alive, he would be justified in saying, “I told you so.” His prophetic document Humanae Vitae, along with an explanation of the times when this document and Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body were written will show us how we got into this mess (the Culture of Death), and how we can get out of it. How much can we trust the Church? This seminar will answer that, and present the Virtues, and what it means to have a true Catholic Worldview, of course along with some practical assistance for living out our faith.
March 18, 2023 Diocesan Pastoral Center in Phoenix Click for a map and more information » | Learn more |
Seminar A: Christian Bioethics and Abortion
“That may be your truth, but it is not mine.” How does one live in a culture permeated with this sentiment? We begin presenting the Catholic Worldview by discussing natural law and revelation, discussing the idea of law in a society, and how private decisions affect society. We also cover the legal history of abortion and the exploitation of women. In addition, we discuss the rights of conscience of people in the medical field.
January 28, 2023 Diocesan Pastoral Center in Phoenix Click for a map and more information » | Learn more |
Seminar B: Understanding Biotechnology
We take up topics of Biotechnology such as cloning, IVF, sperm donor/egg extraction and sales, adult vs. embryonic stem cell research, and human engineering. This fascinating seminar will present the science behind biotechnology as well as presenting the Church’s teachings on the value of every human person.
January 28, 2023 Diocesan Pastoral Center in Phoenix Click for a map and more information » | Learn more |
Seminar C: Forming Your Conscience / End-of-Life Issues
We examine the responsibility of each person to correctly form his or her conscience. Important end-of-life issues are presented and examined within a framework helpful for moral decision-making.
March 18, 2023 Diocesan Pastoral Center in Phoenix Click for a map and more information » | Learn more |
Seminar D: Encountering College Life
We review many “–isms” which will be encountered in college and adult life, relating them back to the bioethics topics discussed this year. Teens have a chance to interact with the material they have heard throughout the 3-year program, learning to identify false worldviews and to more fully understand, live by, and defend the teachings of the Church. Brace yourselves! This seminar presents a realistic view of college life with the goal of entering into adult life prepared for happy, holy, and healthy careers, families, and futures.
March 18, 2023 Diocesan Pastoral Center in Phoenix Click for a map and more information » | Learn more |