Do we treasure others or use them? Our culture has thrown away self-mastery and chastity, only to find the hook-up culture and heartache. It’s all because of the Fall of Man. But what if we lived personal virtue in relationships? In this seminar, we discuss recognizing genuine beauty, telling the truth with our bodies, and seeking authentic freedom, a freedom that is in the service of love.
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if you would like to know if spaces are still available.
Know before you go
Speakers begin promptly at advertised time so please come with time to find parking, check in with your ticket, and find a seat. Snacks will be at the break, and don’t forget to get your exit stamp as you leave! The yearly fee covers all seminars (except the retreats). No payment is needed at seminar time for CALL members or any of their parents who come along.
Special Thanks to the Chaste Living Education Committee (2010-2011) which provided the initial vision for The Catholic Academy for Life Leadership.
Thanks also go to those engaged in Seminar Development and Review:
Nikolas T. Nikas, Bioethics Defense Fund; Katrina Zeno; Cindy Leonard; LeeAnne Abel; Kay Allen; Lisa Clouse McDaniel, P.A.; Dr. William Chavira, Ob\Gyn