Bill Haley
Bill has been immersed in education for most of his professional career. As both a catechist and trainer of catechists, he has taught the Faith to every age level, from little children to professionals and retirees. He is a Catholic speaker, and an adjunct instructor at the Kino Institute for the Diocese of Phoenix. He served as the Director of Religious Education at St. Daniel the Prophet for 7 years, and he and his family are parishioners there. On the order of reason, Mr. Haley has been an academic dean, dean of students, and headmaster within Great Hearts Academies, providing a classical education in public charter-schools. Currently, he is the assistant headmaster of high school at Chandler Prep., where he also teaches 11 grade humane letters. In the business world, Mr. Haley is both a licensed realtor, and a rental equipment account manager. His most prized accomplishment in sales is when he convinced his lovely bride, Maureen, to marry him. They have been blessed by a clan of nine children ranging from a senior who is finishing high school to a toddler who is finishing diapers.